Wednesday, July 18, 2012
From the Little Mountain
Filmed and edited by the monks themselves, From
the Little Mountain takes you through a year at the
hermitage of the Holy Cross in West Virginia. Herein
is portrayed some of the beauty and struggle of
monastic life using quotes from the Scriptures and
the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.
Insights about monastic life from one of the senior
monks at the monastery are given as you are
visually taken through the Church liturgical year
and the changing seasons in the mountains. This is
a unique documentary of an Orthodox monastery
in the 21st century, but the imagery and principles
set forth are as ancient (and relevant) as those
written by the 6th century instructor of monks,
Abba Dorotheos. For more info, please visit:
Holy Cross Hermitage
Please consider making a donation to
Holy Cross Hermitage here.
"Everyday Saints" Revealing Secret Lives of Saints in Russia's Orthodox Literature
One of the most popular books among Russian readers right now could be considered a modern version of the lives of the saints, 'Everyday Saints' (by Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov), a book about the lives of monks and priests written by a monk is sitting on the Russian bestseller lists and selling out its print runs. Please continue reading from the Pravoslavie website. |
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Which is more pleasing to God: a life of mortification in the wilderness or works of mercy?
Christ heals the Blind and the Lame
A Reflection from the Prologue of Ochrid by
St Nikolai Velimirovich
July 18
Men of prayer in the wilderness think that man among men, no matter
how many good works he performs, will find it difficult to safeguard the
purity of the heart and to direct the mind toward God. Benefactors of
men say: that the man in the wilderness is totally occupied with his
own salvation and does not help in the salvation of others.
Two Egyptian brothers, Paisius and Isaiah, inherited a great estate from
their parents, sold the estate and each took their share of the money.
One of them immediately distributed his money to the poor, became a
monk and withdrew into the wilderness to lead a strict life of asceticism
that through patience, fasting, prayer and purifying the mind from all
evil thoughts in order to save his soul.
The other brother likewise became a monk, but did not want to enter
the wilderness rather he built a small monastery near the town, a
hospital for the sick, a public refectory [dining room] for the needy and
a resting place for the sorrowful. He dedicated himself completely to
the service of his fellow men.
When both brothers died, a dispute ensued among the monks of Egypt:
which of the two fulfilled the law of Christ? Unable to agree among
themselves they came to St. Pambo and questioned him about this.
St. Pambo replied: "Both are perfect before God; the hospitable one is
similar to the hospitable Abraham and the ascetical one is similar to
Elijah the Prophet, both of whom equally pleased God."
But not all the monks were satisfied with this response. Then St. Pambo
prayed to God to reveal the truth to him. After praying for several days,
St. Pambo said to the monks: "Before God I tell you that I saw both
brothers Paisius and Isaiah together in Paradise." With this, the dispute
was settled and all were satisfied.
A Reflection from the Prologue of Ochrid by
St Nikolai Velimirovich
July 18
Men of prayer in the wilderness think that man among men, no matter
how many good works he performs, will find it difficult to safeguard the
purity of the heart and to direct the mind toward God. Benefactors of
men say: that the man in the wilderness is totally occupied with his
own salvation and does not help in the salvation of others.
Two Egyptian brothers, Paisius and Isaiah, inherited a great estate from
their parents, sold the estate and each took their share of the money.
One of them immediately distributed his money to the poor, became a
monk and withdrew into the wilderness to lead a strict life of asceticism
that through patience, fasting, prayer and purifying the mind from all
evil thoughts in order to save his soul.
The other brother likewise became a monk, but did not want to enter
the wilderness rather he built a small monastery near the town, a
hospital for the sick, a public refectory [dining room] for the needy and
a resting place for the sorrowful. He dedicated himself completely to
the service of his fellow men.
When both brothers died, a dispute ensued among the monks of Egypt:
which of the two fulfilled the law of Christ? Unable to agree among
themselves they came to St. Pambo and questioned him about this.
St. Pambo replied: "Both are perfect before God; the hospitable one is
similar to the hospitable Abraham and the ascetical one is similar to
Elijah the Prophet, both of whom equally pleased God."
But not all the monks were satisfied with this response. Then St. Pambo
prayed to God to reveal the truth to him. After praying for several days,
St. Pambo said to the monks: "Before God I tell you that I saw both
brothers Paisius and Isaiah together in Paradise." With this, the dispute
was settled and all were satisfied.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
What Orthodox Iconography Is, by Photios Kontoglou
Christ at the Well Icon by Manuel Panselinos 14th c.
The religion of Christ is the revelation, by Him, of the truth.
And this truth is the knowledge of the true God and of the
spiritual world. But the spiritual world is not what men used
to—and still do—call "spiritual."Christ calls His religion "new
wine" and "bread that cometh down from Heaven." The
Apostle Paul says, "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is
a new creation. The old things have passed away: behold,
all things have become new."
In a religion like this, one that makes the believer into a "new
man," everything is "new." So, too, the art that gradually took
form out of the spirit of this religion, and which it invented to
express its Mystery, is a "new" art, one not like any other, just
as the religion of Christ is not like any other, in spite of what
some may say who have eyes only for certain meaningless
The architecture of this religion, its music, its painting, its
sacred poetry, insofar as they make use of material media,
nourish the souls of the faithful with spirit. The works
produced in these media are like steps that lead them from
earth up to heaven, from this earthly and temporary state to
that which is heavenly and eternal: This takes place so far as
is possible with human nature.
For this reason, the arts of the Church are anagogical, that is,
they elevate natural phenomena and submit them to "the
beautiful transformation." They are also called "liturgical"
arts, because through them man tastes the essence of the
liturgy by which God is worshipped and through which man
becomes like unto the Heavenly Hosts and perceives immortal
Ecclesiastical liturgical painting, the painting of worship, took
its form above all from Byzantium, where it remained the
mystical Ark of Christ’s religion and was called hagiographia
or sacred painting. As with the other arts of the Church, the
purpose of hagiographia is not to give pleasure to our carnal
sense of sight, but to transform it into a spiritual sense, so
that in the visible things of this world we may see what
surpasses this world.
Please continue reading this article here, the wonderful
Orthodox blog, 'Full of Grace and Truth'.
The religion of Christ is the revelation, by Him, of the truth.
And this truth is the knowledge of the true God and of the
spiritual world. But the spiritual world is not what men used
to—and still do—call "spiritual."Christ calls His religion "new
wine" and "bread that cometh down from Heaven." The
Apostle Paul says, "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is
a new creation. The old things have passed away: behold,
all things have become new."
In a religion like this, one that makes the believer into a "new
man," everything is "new." So, too, the art that gradually took
form out of the spirit of this religion, and which it invented to
express its Mystery, is a "new" art, one not like any other, just
as the religion of Christ is not like any other, in spite of what
some may say who have eyes only for certain meaningless
The architecture of this religion, its music, its painting, its
sacred poetry, insofar as they make use of material media,
nourish the souls of the faithful with spirit. The works
produced in these media are like steps that lead them from
earth up to heaven, from this earthly and temporary state to
that which is heavenly and eternal: This takes place so far as
is possible with human nature.
For this reason, the arts of the Church are anagogical, that is,
they elevate natural phenomena and submit them to "the
beautiful transformation." They are also called "liturgical"
arts, because through them man tastes the essence of the
liturgy by which God is worshipped and through which man
becomes like unto the Heavenly Hosts and perceives immortal
Ecclesiastical liturgical painting, the painting of worship, took
its form above all from Byzantium, where it remained the
mystical Ark of Christ’s religion and was called hagiographia
or sacred painting. As with the other arts of the Church, the
purpose of hagiographia is not to give pleasure to our carnal
sense of sight, but to transform it into a spiritual sense, so
that in the visible things of this world we may see what
surpasses this world.
Please continue reading this article here, the wonderful
Orthodox blog, 'Full of Grace and Truth'.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Humility by Elder Sergei of Vanves
This book is available from St John's Monastery Bookstore
"Humility is both the foundation of the spiritual life, and along with
"Humility is both the foundation of the spiritual life, and along with
love, its peak.
God resists the proud, but He gives His Grace to the humble. The
Elder repeated the teaching of St Isaac the Syrian, who said that
no one can approach God except through humility. Without
humility we cannot do anything at all. Without humility, our
entire spiritual life becomes utterly meaningless and all of our
other virtues become totally worthless. Therefore we must
seek humility above all. Humility along with love is one
of the higher, more direct paths to salvation.
We must seek humility rather than holiness, because any
holiness we might acquire without humility is nothing but
vain pretension. After all, the demons are nothing but fallen
angels who were perfect by virtue of being angels, but who became
demons by forgetting humility. This very same fate shall
be ours if we look for holiness without first acquiring
We should test our level of humility not just before
God but before our neighbor. We do this by not
concerning ourselves with our neighbor's reactions
to our humility, meaning that we shouldn't be upset
by our neighbor's sense of superiority when he
encounters our humility nor should we fear that we
will be abused because of our humility. The Elder
remarked that there were many men in the past who
profited from the humility of the saints. The only thing
that matters to the humble man is what God thinks
of our attitude."
Elder Sergei of Vanves, Life & Teachings p.76-77 , by
Jean-Claude Larchet, Divine Ascent Press,
Manton, CA 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
"Knowing God, Suffering for Him and Loving His People: The Personal Experience of the Parish Priest"
Dr Harry Boosalis - Professor of Dogmatic Theology
St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary
St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary
South Canaan, PA 18459
Dr Boosalis delivered a series of lectures for the Antiochian
Diocese of the West earlier this year. The lectures are
Diocese of the West earlier this year. The lectures are
concerned with the spiritual life as it pertains to the priesthood
but there is much in these lectures that can be of benefit for
us all. The professor is an excellent speaker and the subject
of the lectures is of utmost importance for both the clergy
and the laity alike.
To listen to these lectures please go here.
Or click on the individual links below;
Opening Remarks by his Eminence Archbishop Joseph
This must be one of the best speeches I have ever had the blessing to
listen to, by his Eminence. "He who has an ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches." Rev. 2:7 NKJV
Introductory Presentation by Dr. Harry Boosalis
Basic Themes on the Orthodox Spiritual Life
Basic Themes Q&A
On Suffering
On Suffering Q&A
Love, the Pastor's Path Towards Holiness
Love Q&A
The Practice of Prayer
Knowledge of God, the Personal Experience of the Local Parish Priest
Knowledge of God Q&A
Closing Remarks by his Eminence Archbishop Joseph
To listen to these lectures please go here.
Or click on the individual links below;
Opening Remarks by his Eminence Archbishop Joseph
This must be one of the best speeches I have ever had the blessing to
listen to, by his Eminence. "He who has an ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches." Rev. 2:7 NKJV
Introductory Presentation by Dr. Harry Boosalis
Basic Themes on the Orthodox Spiritual Life
Basic Themes Q&A
On Suffering
On Suffering Q&A
Love, the Pastor's Path Towards Holiness
Love Q&A
The Practice of Prayer
Knowledge of God, the Personal Experience of the Local Parish Priest
Knowledge of God Q&A
Closing Remarks by his Eminence Archbishop Joseph
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Mount Athos; the Monastery of Vatopaidi and Karoulia
The Russian crew of 'Channel One" films the Russian
monks and hermits in Mount Athos for the film
"Athos - to Reach the Heavens."
"The way (of life of) the characters of this film is not
by chance called heroic. The monks are different
from other people; Greek and Russian, Serbian and
English, even the Brazilians. They live outside the
world, but their prayer keeps the world. Athanasius
from Russia, Sergey from Ukraine, Feodoh from
Georgia. The three fates, three roads came together
to God in the Holy Mount." From the YouTube site
This video is amazing, especially the part where it
shows the hermits in Karoulia. You can see a monk
walking on the steep side of a mountain while
holding onto a chain until he reaches his cave.
Here one can also see how much love the monks
have for their departed brethren and how they
preserve their relics.
have for their departed brethren and how they
preserve their relics.
The video is in Russian with no subtitles, sorry,
but very much worth seeing.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
The Baptism of Petros Restovitch of Belgrade, Serbia
In this photo, a White Dove rests upon Peter after his baptism.
The Serbian student Petros Restovitch of Belgrade. Who was
an avowed atheist and unbaptised up until age 19, found his
faith and asked to be baptised at Chilandarion monastery of
Mt.Athos. At the baptism, a friend of his took a picture of him.
It was at that very moment that God permitted the appearance
of something from His invisible Grace to be revealed in the
photo that was developed later. Everyone observed in
astonishment and holy wonder, a white dove perched on the
head of the newly enlightened young man!
There are no words to describe how moved this young man
was, upon seeing this photo! The event occured in 1980
at the Holy Monastery of Chilandarion on Mt. Athos.
(Translated in English by V.Chryssikos)
(Translated in English by V.Chryssikos)
Memory Eternal!
continue reading here.I am in debt to Fr Peter. His book "Becoming Orthodox" answered some of the most important questions I had as an inquirer to Orthodoxy. His explanations were precise, clear, pertinent and persuasive. It has been fourteen years since my baptism but I can still feel the fire in his words! The one aspect of his ministry that touched me the most was that he spoke as one who was personally and totally invested in what he was teaching. Fr. Peter spoke from the heart and he was totally committed to the Orthodox way of life. And now, he beholds the Lord, Whom he loved and served. May God grant him a rich entrance into the Eternal Light of the risen Christ! |
Monday, July 2, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses by Dr Jean-Claude Larchet
Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses by Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet
is available from St Tikhon's Monastery Press and Bookstore
"Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses
by Dr Jean-Claude Larchet. Translated by Fr Kilian Sprecher.
Dr Jean-Claude Larchet’s long-awaited great work,
"Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses
by Dr Jean-Claude Larchet. Translated by Fr Kilian Sprecher.
Dr Jean-Claude Larchet’s long-awaited great work,
Thérapeutique des maladies spirituelles is being published in
English by Alexander Press
A vast synthesis of patristic and ascetic oriental teachings from the
A vast synthesis of patristic and ascetic oriental teachings from the
1st to 14th centuries, this study presents a renewed vision of the
Christian doctrine of salvation and constitutes a veritable treaty, both
theoretical and practical, of spiritual psychology and medicine, as well
as a summation of Orthodox spirituality that has no equivalent."
From the Alexander Press website
This treatise is now available from Alexander Press. I just received
my copy. The website is not updated yet but you could contact
Alexander Press by phone or e-mail and order your copy.
The cost is $100.00 for the 3 Vol. set plus $20.00 for shipping.
The breath and scope of this monumental work is breathtaking.
A brief look at the table of contents is enough to realize the value
A brief look at the table of contents is enough to realize the value
and significance of this treatise;
Contents of
Volumes 1-3
Author's Introduction
Part One
Anthropological Premises, Original Health and the Origin
Author's Introduction
Part One
Anthropological Premises, Original Health and the Origin
of Illnesses.
Chapter 1 -
Man's Original Health
Chapter 2 - The
First Origin of Illnesses; The Ancestral Sin
Chapter 3 -
Pathology of Fallen Man
1. Pathology of knowledge
a) Perversion and decline of knowledge and its organs
b) Evil as an invention. The birth of fantastical knowledge.
The delirious perception of reality in fallen man
2. Pathology of desire and pleasure
a) The diversion of desire and the perversion of pleasure
b) Economy of desire
c) Pathology of desire and pleasure in fallen man
3. Pathology of aggressiveness
4. Pathology of freedom
5. Pathology of memory
6. Pathology of the imagination
7. Pathology of the senses and bodily functions
1. Pathology of knowledge
a) Perversion and decline of knowledge and its organs
b) Evil as an invention. The birth of fantastical knowledge.
The delirious perception of reality in fallen man
2. Pathology of desire and pleasure
a) The diversion of desire and the perversion of pleasure
b) Economy of desire
c) Pathology of desire and pleasure in fallen man
3. Pathology of aggressiveness
4. Pathology of freedom
5. Pathology of memory
6. Pathology of the imagination
7. Pathology of the senses and bodily functions
Part Two
Nosology, Symptomatology and Pathogenesis of Spiritual
Nosology, Symptomatology and Pathogenesis of Spiritual
The Passions
Chapter 1 - The
Passions, Spiritual Illnesses
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Love of Money and Greed
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 - Fear
Chapter 9 - Fear
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
Chapter 12 -
Transmission of Spiritual Illnesses
in Fallen
Part Three
Part Three
Conditions of Therapy
Chapter 1 - Christ the Physician
Chapter 2 - Sacramental Therapies
Chapter 1 - Christ the Physician
Chapter 2 - Sacramental Therapies
1. Introduction
2. Baptism
3. Chrismation
4. Confession
5. The Eucharist
6. Anointing of the Sick (Holy Unction)
Chapter 3 - The
Subjective Conditions for Healing and Health
1. The Will to be Healed
2. The Remedy of Faith
3. The Remedy of Repentance
4. The Remedy of Prayer
a. Prayer’s role and its therapeutic effects
b. The Method of hesychastic prayer
a. Prayer’s role and its therapeutic effects
b. The Method of hesychastic prayer
5. The Remedy of the Commandments
6. The Remedy of Hope
Chapter 4 - The Process of Healing: Inner Conversion
Chapter 4 - The Process of Healing: Inner Conversion
Part Four
of Therapy
Chapter 1 - The
Twofold movement of Inner Conversion: Praxis
Chapter 2 - Outline of the Therapy of the Fundamental Faculties of the Soul. Implementation of the Generic Virtues
1. Introduction
Chapter 2 - Outline of the Therapy of the Fundamental Faculties of the Soul. Implementation of the Generic Virtues
1. Introduction
2. Temperance
3. Courage
4. Prudence
Chapter 3 - The Therapeutic Role of the Spiritual Father
Chapter 4 - The Manifestation of Thoughts
Chapter 5 - The Fight Against Thoughts
1. The inner warfare
Chapter 3 - The Therapeutic Role of the Spiritual Father
Chapter 4 - The Manifestation of Thoughts
Chapter 5 - The Fight Against Thoughts
1. The inner warfare
2. The dual
origin of thoughts
3. The mechanism
of temptation
4. The
spiritual strategy: vigilance and attention
5. The
rejection of wicked thoughts
6. The role of
prayer and patience
Chapter 6 -
Adjuvant Therapy: Bodily Asceticism
Part Five
The Therapy of
Passions and the Acquisition of Virtues
Chapter 1 -
Therapy of gluttony: Temperance
Chapter 2 -
Therapy of Lust: Continence and Chastity
1. Monastic chastity
2. Marital chastity
1. Monastic chastity
2. Marital chastity
Chapter 3 -
Therapy of Love of Money and Greed: Non-possession and Almsgiving
1. Non-possessiveness
2. Almsgiving
1. Non-possessiveness
2. Almsgiving
Chapter 4 -
Therapy of Sadness: Mourning, Compunction and Joy
Chapter 5
- Therapy of Acedia
Chapter 6 - Therapy of Anger: Gentleness and Patience
Chapter 6 - Therapy of Anger: Gentleness and Patience
Chapter 7 -
Therapy of Fear: The Fear of God
Chapter 8 -
Therapy of Vainglory and Pride: Humility
1. Therapy of vainglory
2. Therapy of pride
3. Humility
1. Therapy of vainglory
2. Therapy of pride
3. Humility
Part Six
Health Restored
Health Restored
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 – Charity
1. Charity: the spiritual love of oneself
2. Love of one’s neighbours
3. The love of God
Chapter 2 – Charity
1. Charity: the spiritual love of oneself
2. Love of one’s neighbours
3. The love of God
Chapter 3 –
1. Introduction
2. Natural contemplation
3. The knowledge/vision of God
4. On the connection between the knowledge/vision of God and the praxis
5. The role of pure prayer
1. Introduction
2. Natural contemplation
3. The knowledge/vision of God
4. On the connection between the knowledge/vision of God and the praxis
5. The role of pure prayer
Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses by Dr Jean Claude-Larchet,
Translated by Fr Kilian Sprecher, 3 volume boxed set
Copyright @2012 Alexander Press, Montreal, Quebec,
Copyright @2012 Alexander Press, Montreal, Quebec,
ISBN - 1-896800-39-4
ISBN - 1-896800-39-4
Alexander Press
Tel: (514)738-5517 or (514)738-4018
Tel: (514)738-5517 or (514)738-4018
Fax: (514) 738-4718
Toll free: (866)303-5517
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- Prayers by the Lake by St Nikolai Velimirovich, The Serbian Orthodox Metropolinate of New Gracanica, Grayslake, IL 1999
- Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy by John McGuckin, ISBN: 0-88141-259-7
- Santa Biblia Antigua Version de Casiodoro De Reina Revisada por Cipriano de Valera(1602) Revision de 1960, Holman Publishers 2008
- St John of Damascus, The Fathers of the Church series, Trans. by Frederic H. Chase, Jr., ISBN: 0-8132-0968-4
- St Seraphim of Sarov, A Spiritual Biography by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore, ISBN: 1-880364-13-1
- St Silouan The Athonite by Archimandrite Sophrony, ISBN 0-88141-195-7
- St. Symeon The New Theologian, On The Mystical Life, The Ethical Discourses, Trans. by Alexander Golitzin 3 vols. ISBN: 0-88141-142-6 and - 143-4, and 144-2
- Standing In God's Holy Fire by John A. McGuckin, ISBN: 1-57075-382-2
- Symeon The New Theologian, The Discourses, Classics of Western Spirituality, ISBN: 0-8091-2230-8
- Symeon The New Theologian, The Practical and Theological Discourses and The Three Theological Chapters, Trans. by Dr. Paul McGuckin, Cistercian Publications Inc. 1982
- The Acquisition of The Holy Spirit by I.M. Kontzevitch, ISBN: 0-938635-73-5
- The Adam Complex by Dee Pennock, ISBN: 1-880971-89-5
- The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac The Syrian, Trans. by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, ISBN: 0-913026-55-7
- The Authentic Seal by Archimandrite Aimilianos, ISBN: 960-85603-3-0
- The Book of Mystical Chapters, Trans. and introduced by John A. McGuckin, ISBN: 1-59030-007-6
- The Boundless Garden by Alexandros Papadiamantis Edited by Lambros Kamperidis and Denise Harvey, ISBN 978-960-7120-23-6
- The Church Fathers ( Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, published by Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody Massachusetts, 37 vol. set
- The Enlargement of The Heart by Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou, ISBN 0-9774983-2-8
- The Faith of Chosen People by St Nikolai Velimirovich, The Free Serbian Diocese of America and Canada, Grayslake, IL 1988
- The Faith of The Saints , A Catechism by St. Nikolai Velimirovich, ISBN:1-932965-06-8
- The Fifty Spiritual Homilies, Pseudo-Macarius, ISBN: 0-8091-0455-5
- The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios by Dionysios Farasiotis, ISBN: 978-1-887904-16-2
- The Heart by Archimandrite Spyridon Logothetis, ISBN 960-86639-4-6
- The Hidden Man of The Heart by Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou, ISBN 978-0-9800207-1-7
- The Holy Bible NKJV, Thomas Nelson, 1992
- The Homilies of Saint Gregory Palamas by Christopher Veniamin, 2 vols. ISBN: 1-878997-67-X; ISBN: 1-878997-68-X
- The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus Edited by Holy Transfifuration Monastery 1979, ISBN 0-943405-03-3
- The Life of St. Anthony by St. Athanasius the Great, Eastern Orthodox Books, Willits, CA
- The Lives of The Holy Prophets by Holy Apostles Convent, ISBN: 0944359-12-4
- The Living Witness of the Holy Mountain by Hieromonk Alexander Golitzin, ISBN: 1-878997-48-3
- The Luminus Eye by Sebastian Brock, ISBN: 0-87907-524-4
- The Mind of the Orthodox Church by Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos, Trans. by Esther Williams, ISBN: 960-7070-39-9
- The One Thing Needful by Archbishop Andrei of Novo- Diveevo, ISBN: 91-2927-29-1
- The Orthodox Ethos, Studies in Orthodoxy Edited by A.J. Philippou, Hollywell Press Oxford 1964
- The Orthodox New Testament 2 vols., Published by The Holy Apostles Convent 1999, ISBN: 0-944359-17-5 & 0-944359-14-0
- The Philokalia, The Complete Text compiled by St Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth, Trans. by G.E.H. Palmer, Phillip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware Vol 4 ISBN: 0-571-11727-9
- The Philokalia, The Complete Text compiled by St Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth, Trans. by G.E.H. Palmer, Phillip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware Vol2 ISBN: 0-571-15466-2
- The Philokalia, The Complete Text compiled by St Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth, Trans. by G.E.H. Palmer, Phillip Sherrard and Kallistos WareVol 3 ISBN: 0-571-17525-2
- The Philokalia, The Complete Textcompiled by St Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth, Trans. by G.E.H. Palmer, Phillip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware, Vol 1 ISBN: 0-571-13013-5
- The Philokalia: Master Reference Guide Compiled by Basileios S. Stapakis, Trans by G.E.H. Palmer, Phillip Sherrard, Kallistos Ware, ISBN: 1-880971-87-9
- The Prologue of Ohrid, Trans. by Fr. Timothy Tepsic, vol 1 ISBN: 978-0-9719505-0-4; vol 2 ISBN: 978-0-9719505-1-1
- The Psalter Trans. by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, ISBN: 0-943405-00-9
- The Spiritual World of St Isaac the Syrian by Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev, Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, Michigan 2000
- The Way of A Pilgrim R.M. French, ISBN 345-24254-8-150
- We Shall See Him As He Is by Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov, ISBN 0-9512786-4-9
- Wisdom. Let Us Attend: Job, The Fathers, and The Old Testament by Johanna Manley, ISBN: 0-9622536-4-2
- Words of Life by Archimandrite Sophrony, Trans. by Sister Magdalen, ISBN1-874679-11-8
- Writings from The Philokalia On Prayer of The Heart, Trans. by E. Kadloubovsky and G.E.H. Palmer, ISBN: 0-571-16393-9